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Monkey Web Coding Challenge #3


Hello World!

This is the third web coding challenge. This challenge is the perfect opportunity to learn how to code while earning Banano! Even if you think deleting a child node counts as homcide, this challenge can teach you the basics all while you make a site of your very own. Plus, there's tons of experienced developers and fellow learners ready to help you in the #frankensteins-lab channel in the Banano Discord. Don't worry if you didn't participate in the first (or second) one.

Of course, there is also a section for already advanced web developers!

Congratulations to the previous winners, archtects (advanced) and Darth Kermit (beginner). This time, there were a whopping 34 submissions! It was very hard to choose the winner, and we could tell there was a lot of effort put in, and hopefully new knowledge gained.

Anyways, onto the details of this challenge:


We have 4500 Banano in prizes, plus NFTs!

· 1000 Bansplit for beginner challenge

· 1000 Bansplit for advanced challenge

· Bansplit of 1500 + Banano NFTs among for all valid participants

· 500 Banano each for the two winners (one beginner winner, one advanced winner)

· Cryptomonkeys NFTs on Wax blockchain (probably)

Deadline: Tuesday August 30th (one week from now), 24:00 EDT. Submit here

The Banano NFTs that will be sent out are made by MKZI! See below.


  1. Tell us about your favorite book, movie, TV show, or other story. What is it called? Why do you like it? Also, make a HTML table with information about different characters. For example, the columns in the table could tell us their name, personality, gender, and whether they are a main character. In addition, set the font of the text with CSS.

  2. Have two images related to the story you chose in #1. But here's the catch! You can only show one image, and whenever you reload the page, the image that is shown is random.

Both requirements must be met to qualify for rewards


  1. Let user pick a date, and guess the price of Banano on that date. Then use the coingecko or coinmarketcap (or any other api) to tell the user how accurate the guess was.

  2. Make the site mobile friendly in both styling and function.

Both requirements must be met to qualify for rewards


  1. The content of your code must be created by you.

  2. Finish code and submit form before deadline (1 week from posting, so Tuesday August 30th, Midnight EDT)

  3. You must use required elements and complete all the tasks required for your level (you can chose between beginner or advanced).

  4. If you participate in the beginner and advanced challenges, for fairness reasons you will only receive rewards for the advanced challenge.

  5. Your code must be uploaded on Codepen. If you don’t have an account you can create one for free here

  6. Submit the form

  7. Your page must not have offensive or inappropriate content.

  8. Make at least 1 posts on the social media of your preference showing the progress of your code. The post should have a short description of at least one line and contain least 1 image where we can see your code. (optional)


I don't know how to do this. Where can I get help?

Where can you ask a question about the challenge or ask for help when writing your code?

The official Banano discord server! To join the Banano Discord Server, simply create a discord account and then go to The channel where you can ask questions or request help about this challenge is #frankensteins-lab.

The following sites also may provide help:

- Stack Overflow

- W3Schools

- MDN Web Docs

Specifically for the beginner challenge (please do not directly copy code from here, just look and learn what they are doing):

What is Codepen?

CodePen is a social development platform that is very useful for sharing code, and for learning. It allows you to write the code for websites in the browser, with a live window showing you the results.

Why a post on social media?

Banano is a community driven project and we want more great people like you! Who share their ideas and help build a nice space for the community to have fun and share potassium with them. This is totally optional and a small reward may be sent to those share a post.

Is the post on social media required?

No, but we encourage you to do so. You can even do it on the Banano discord if you have no other social media.

Can I add the second challenge features to the website I made in the previous challenges?

Sure, if you are a beginner, we in fact encourage you to keep working on the website from previous challenges. You do not have to if you don't want too. If you didn't do any of the previous challenges, don't worry about it.

I did the advanced challenge. What can I do with my new Bananojs skills?

Why not join Booster (500,000 Banano in prizes!) and make something cool?

If you have any other questions leave them in the comments or write to us at #frankenstein-labs on the official Banano discord server. Without more to say, let the challenge begin.

David but not Copperfield#3089


Previous Week's Banano NFT (designed by prussia)


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