This alone deserves to be News. And we mean, News beyond The Daily Peel. On BANANO’s 2nd birthday this past Wednesday, the community hosted an online karaoke event with an open invite for anybody to attend. The turnout was truly remarkable, amazing, and really quite moving on its own. It becomes even more so when we consider that we are experiencing a worldwide pandemic where businesses and venues are closed, people are not supposed to be in groups of more than 2, and are not supposed to be less than 5 or 6 feet apart from one another - and the BANANO community still managed to host over 100 performers and audience members for a night full of music.
The event was scheduled to run from 3pm-7pm in the #karaoke channel on the BANANO Discord server. With performances in English, Spanish, Russian, Italian, and more filling the entire duration of the evening’s festivities, sources report that there was even still individuals singing to the remaining audiences until over 3 hours after the event had officially ended. It just really shows you that people were enjoying themselves and taking the opportunity to sing, socialize, and have some fun during this unprecedented time.
We asked the lovely Chibi to provide us with some highlights from the evening:
~ Some people performed their own songs and some others adapted already existing songs for them to be related to banano and its community ~ People from all over the world joined, having a total audience of 113 people during the event, and some more afterwards ~ We often have these sort of events where participating is totally free AND you get crypto as reward for your performance
~ Some dedicated songs to friends and loved ones, while others gave personal reasons for the songs they chose; here are a few of those:
“Song: “I’m in love” - Thalia. I dedicated this song to my husband on Valentine’s Day and here I am again... The perfect words for what I feel.” - R0sA

“I dedicated this song to my wife Rosa on Valentine’s Day karaoke.” - Maferefumshango

“This is an adaptation from a TV show’s song that La Jungla likes a lot, I hope you guys enjoy it. Meme song hahah.” - MarthaCristal

“The song I’m performing was the very first song I sang in a Banano karaoke. That time the lyrics were in Italian because of that karaoke’s theme, I will sing it now in Spanish” - WhiteFlag

“I chose this song because I wanted you guys to hear a different italian song than “Bella Ciao” 🤣” - Hng_mle

And my favourite performance of the evening, sung by seb. He sang “Can’t Help Falling In Love”.

All in all, the event was a raging success. There is truly something exceptional about having the ability to share, perform, and hangout on a worldwide platform where things like this are made possible. The Daily Peel would like to thank Chibi and Andru and all other monkeys for making BANANO’s second birthday truly one to remember.
