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JungleTV 1st Year Celebration!

Writer: 3meow3meow

Updated: Jun 21, 2022

Events Recap!


21st June | Full Rules

You know those songs that keep getting stuck in your head? Queue up your Catchiest Tunes!

Short Movie Monday

20th June | Full Rules

Short movies are great if they're new or one of the classics: A Spider Man from another island, man. Or a heartwarming tale about a hacker, a policeman-cum-expert martial artist, & his firearms-trained dino colleague - working together to stop Hitler. Whatever floats your boat, share it with us and win yourself some lovely Banano!

EDM Party Tunes

Sunday 19th June | Full Rules

Sunday Funday let’s have a party! We’re gonna get everyone to queue the biggest and best EDM party tunes to win on Sunday! Only certified bangers, please!

Favorite Cartoons

Saturday 18th June | Full Rules

Grab your juicebox, your best blankie, and put your favorite cartoon episodes on TV! Sure, this TV is in the jungle, and you might have lost your blankie a long time ago, but you should still prepare for all the nostalgia a jungle full of monkes can muster!

Not Heard Before

Friday 17th June | Full Rules

I was talking to Doja Cat a few days ago, and she just happened to be talking about JungleTV. You know what she said?

> “My favorite thing about JTV is all the new music I hear! It’s been an inspiration for my next album.”

So this theme goes out to Ms. Cat - songs that have never before been played on JungleTV!

Tutorial Thursday!

16th June | Full Rules

It’s not all about farts, music, and itchy eyebrows, no! JungleTV is a great place to learn about stuff you wouldn’t even know you didn’t know. Whether you wanna be a teacher or a leecher, get ready for a night of tutorials, documentaries, and other educational vids!

Cool Nature Wednesday

15th June | Full Rules

How can we be spending so much time in the jungle without hosting an event that champions the nature that’s all around us, and has kept us alive for millenia! Let’s celebrate the green power of Ba-Nano and Wax Ecosystem by paying tribute to Gaia, with a nature-themed event!

Flash Events!

Don't know what I'm talking about? Read on...
A Year of JungleTV

It's been 12 HUGE months since JungleTV was announced on Reddit, and we've been cooking up some ideas for a party, after asking ourselves "What is JungleTV?".

We’ve all come to the same conclusion… there's no way we can answer this question in a single day... 1 day celebration is Nice, but 8 days is Nicer!

We have over a week of celebrations ready to go, and our prize wallets are filled to the brim with a boatload of Banano, as well as a ton of VERY SPECIAL cryptomonKeys Stacks... but we can’t say much more on that for now 👀 Keep an eye on the grid above to see all announcements at a glance!

Join us from Tuesday 14th to Tuesday 21st June to party!

Primary Events:

We have planned various Tunesday-style events which we will announce 24hrs in advance for some fast-paced action, but we are not going to be limited to music every day; the themes will see plenty of variation!


While we have the primary events for each day, we will also be sprinkling a healthy dose of mini events throughout the week, too! We might announce them, but some might be surprises or spur of the moment impulses.... never a dull moment!

Participation Prizes:

We have set aside some extra prizes for top participants over the week! To define “participation”, we will consider chat activity, Jungle Points (JP) expenditure, enqueueing, and various other participation activities! Visit the rules page for all the info, and keep in mind this is replacing the NiFTy Raffle for the week!

Community-Led Events:

As JungleTV is impossible without our beloved community, we will also give you all the chance to host a theme of your own. If you have an idea for a JungleTV theme or event, fill in Tell us about it, and we’ll be in touch to work out the details if we think it’s a good fit!

But wait! There’s more!

Make sure you’re following the JungleTV Twitter - because, you guessed it - we will be announcing some giveaways there too! And last but not least, you can join us on the official JungleTV for even more platform-specific events!



JungleTV turns 1 year old on the 19th June!

We have daily events and giveaways for over a week on

… and other social media platforms: Twitter,, Reddit, Discord

Community Events being hosted! Submit your idea and see it brought to life!

Extra prizes for top participants over the week!

Celebrate with us with the theme of “What is JungleTV?”


14th - 21st June

Primary Events at 19:00 UTC

Mini-Events sprinkled throughout!


Banano, cryptomonKeys, and other surprises! Stay up to date with the schedule to get more specific answers than this!

Keep your eyes peeled, and get ready to celebrate and win! Happy Birthday, JungleTV!


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