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[Event] Banano Banpionship of Chess

Writer: David but not CopperfieldDavid but not Copperfield

This may be one of the most competitive tournaments in the jungle. We know that monkeys love to compete and even more when they face each other in this type of competition, a fight against your own mistakes. Can be brutal, one little mistake could cost you the tournament. Anyway, all these events are about having a good time and winning a little Ban.

  • Prizes

1st Place - 1000 BAN

2nd Place - 750 BAN

3rd Place - 519 BAN

A BAN split of 1000 for rank 4 to rank 10

And a split of 2000 BAN among all the participants!

  • How to Apply:

  1. Make a lichess account if you don't have one already here

  2. Fill in with your Banano address and lichess usernames in the google form before the tournament starts!

  3. Join the tournament and play to win at 17:30 UTC 18 JUNE (password: benis)

  • Rules:

-Give us your Banano address in the on google form. Make sure this isn't any other kind of address like ETH or your seed

-Like this article to be eligible for the prize

-Engine use and cheating is strictly prohibited.

-Need to win at least two games to be eligible for the rewards.

Tag whosthat#3089 on Banano discord if you have any questions

Este puede ser uno de los torneos mas competitivos en la jungla. Sabemos que los monos les encanta competir y mas cuando se enfrentan el uno al otro en este tipo de competencias. Una pelea contra tus mismo los errores. Puede ser brutal un pequeño error podría costarte el torneo. De todas maneras estos eventos se tratan de pasarla bien y ganar un poco de Banano


  • Premios:

1er lugar - 1000 BAN

2do lugar - 750 BAN

3er lugar - 519 BAN

Bansplit de 1000 del 4to al 10mo lugar

¡Y un bansplit de 2000 BAN entre todos los participantes!

  • Como participar:

  1. Crea una cuenta de lichess, si aún no tiene una en

  2. Llena el formulario con tu direccion de Banano y lichess: antes de que comience el torneo:

  3. Únete al torneo y juega para ganar a las 1:30 pm EDT del 18 de JUNIO (password: benis)

  • Reglas:

- Indica tu dirección de Banano en el formulario de Google. Asegúrate de que no es ningún otro tipo de dirección como ETH o tu semilla.

- Dale me gusta este artículo para poder optar al premio

- Está prohibida cualquier forma de hacer trampa para tener alguna ventaja.

- Debe ganar al menos dos partidas para poder optar por los premios.

Etiqueta a whosthat#3089 en el Discord de Banano si tienes alguna pregunta.


3 commentaires

hello everyone, the tournament rewards were sent out today. sorry i hadn't read the article. i hope everyone received their prize, thanks for participating and see you in the next one. an article talking about the rewards will be uploaded this week.


28 juin 2022

here as well ... but I feel very confident we will receive the prizes for the chess tournament as promised by the end of the week respectively by July 3, 2022. Sometimes good things just take their time. Thank you for organizing the event.


Ruben Morales Mera
Ruben Morales Mera
24 juin 2022

i have not received my award for participating and coming 5th in this tournament... someone knows something. thank you.


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