The Euro Cup 2024 is upon us! Who will win each round!? Join us to earn some banano and cryptomonKey NFTs! The 2024 Euro Cup pick’em will run from Fri, Jun 14, 2024 – Sun, Jul 14, 2024 Playing is easy! First, fill out our Google Form. Then sign up at with your pooltracker account!
Each game's picks can be modified until the scheduled kickoff of that game!
- 1 point for each correct pick in the Group Stage - 2 points for each correct pick in Round of 16 teams - 3 points for each correct pick in Round of 8 teams - 4 points for each correct pick in Semi-Finals - 5 points for the correct Champion
Full-Season Prizes
1st - 10,000 BAN + Rare CM + 3 monKeypacks
2nd - 7,500 BAN + 2 Uncommon CM + 2 monKeypacks
3rd - 5,000 BAN + Uncommon CM + monKeypack
4th - 3,000 BAN + random monkey ,drop
5th - 2,000 BAN + random monkey ,drop
6th - 1,000 BAN + random monkey ,drop
7th - 1,000 BAN + random monkey ,drop
8th - 1,000 BAN + random monkey ,drop
9th - 1,000 BAN + random monkey ,drop
10th - 1,000 BAN + random monkey ,drop
For any questions or for help, message DrYunani or Jimothy on Discord.