Our fellow monKeys are incredibly resourceful. They have shown their amazing skills in previous contests, but this time they will pushed to their limits!

The rules for the contest are very simple.
You should use a banana.
Bananas have to be pierced with a pin or a nail to induce it's natural browning.
No paint or ink can be used, just pure and natural banana browning.
Bananas can be partially peeled or cutted as long as the are NOT painted
How to participate?
Upload a post on r/banano using the "bruise that banano" tag (it's very important to use the tag!). Or make a post on instagram/ twitter with the hashtags #banano #bruisethatbanano
The post has to contain at least 2 pictures from different angles of the finished art or the process.
Both photos have to show a handwritten paper with you reddit username on it. (if you don't do this you won't be able to apply!)
Contest entries will be accepted until the 30th of November at 12 AM (GMT -3)
You'll have until Nov 30, 2021 to upload your photos.
Prizes: 10k BAN pool + coin/card!

1st place: Banano coin + 2000 BAN
2nd place: NFC card + 1500 BAN
3rd place: 1000 BAN
The 5500 BAN remaining will be distributed among all participants!
Our very skilled team of judges will review each of the submissions.
Remember, be creative and original!
Note: Low effort entries won’t be counted.
Welcome abroad, good luck and have fun!
Much love, from your beloved bananocoin.cc designer!
This contest has been made possible thanks to the help of /u/WufWufMan & the banano team support!
Multi-account posts & multi-submissions won't be counted. we reserve the right to disqualify bad actors to maintain the fairness of our prize split