How To Participate?
Create a lichess.org account with your discord username (as nickname or in the bio)
Join the BANANO Discord, go to the channel #-events-and-giveaways-and-bots and send “+register chess”. (You should receive a confirmation message from Ta’aroa)
Open to any member of the Banano Discord
Registration will close on May 28th, 20:00 UTC.
When: May 29th, 23:00 UTC
Duration: 2 hours (voted by the community)
Tournament link will be sent on Discord, be ready.
You can join anytime, we suggest you enter a lichess tournament before-hand to try it out.
bring a bottle of water 🚰
Prizes: YES
To learn more about Banano, read this article:
Any questions? Nobody ? Fine, see you at the tournament :)